Who uses it and do you trust it 100%? I just retested my salinity with my old refractometer and with a new meter. One was calibrated with 35ppt and the other with ro/di. Both of them read my salinity at 1.031. I then tested the calibration fluid and it test at 1.021 and I run the tank at 1.026 so needless to say my salinity is off .05 using the probe. I lost a bunch of stuff over the last few months and have tried everything and wondered what was going on. I use BioActif salt and have wondered why I have been having to add more to get me to 1.026 and now I found the reason. The calibration fluid is WAY off its 50mS and that should be 1.024 roughly. So to everyone out there be careful and make sure your solution or the probe is calibrated correctly. I have talked to 2 other profi users that have the probe and both of them tell me they have had problems with there's also. Both of them tell me if there probe reads about 1.02-1.021 they know there tank is around 1.025-1.026. Pretty bummed as I do believe this is the culprit to a loss of a few K in acans one of the easiest corals to keep period. I finally went back to my old trusty 15 yr old refractometer I used on my sps tank for yrs with solid results. Needless to say i will not use this as a standard anymore.