Congrats, you won a Mantis Shrimp!

No star and no chance of it getting lost in my rock. That 10 gal only has 1 other piece or rock (wtih holes) and I added it about 2-3 days after getting the tank together. Its probably just hanging in your rockwork somewhere.

the mantis has locked himself in the hole by taking substrate and blocking the entrance. I'm going to try and flush him out of the rock today with some freshwater.
WoooooooohOooooooooooooooo.... I finally caught the lil booger. :) I made a trap with a water bottle by cutting the top off, reversing it, and holding it on with a rubber band. Total time trapping took about 3 hours for it to trust the trap enough to go inside. :)

boodwah, I have your rock out and in your bucket with a powerhead and heater. Hopefully we can hookup tomorrow?! I also have some GSP to give you.

Ryan, I start nightshift tomorrow night. I have to be at work at 7PM, I will be sleeping until about noon to one tomorrow so if it were possible to hook up between two and four it would be great. If not, I could wait. Just let me know.
Thanks man!
Wes Carter
Yea, I called your house and talked to you son. He said you were in Nashville. It wuold have been cool to meet up on your way back home. :) Just call me when you get a chance. The powerhead got the bucket up to 83.7 degrees lastnight. I took it out this morning. Hopefully everything on the rock is ok.
