Connection Issue

I appreciate the response, but if I could make a suggestion why don't you make the unit with the USB already built in? I have three computers all less than 3yrs old so none of them have a serial port. Not that I'm knocking your product because I love my new toy, but everything else made in the last decade uses USB not serial. Just a thought.
Well, that answers that! You guys are awesome! I went ahead and bought a Serial PCI card for $9 instead of ending up with an extra USB after I upgrade to the PIII. I read every post in that thread so I know you don't have an exact answer to my next question but here goes. I have a PIIEX and plan to buy the PIII upgrade (to the PIIIEX), can you ball-park the upgrade price for me? $50? $200? $400? Just an rough estimate so I know what I'm looking at please.
Over $200 for sure. its not just a small pcb it will be

Complete new colour display for graphing
Expansion box and harness
Other stuff also yet to be announced.
All i am saying it will not be less than $200 and probably consideably more. I honestly have no clue on price other than what not to expect. It is impossible to even get within 30% closeness of price as the whole thing is still in bits and on design beds.

Price probably late next year ;)