Considering upgrading to a 180 bowfront


New member
I currently have a 72 bowfront but I went a little nuts with the sps frags and before they start to really encrust on my live rock I'm considering upgrading to a deep sea aquatics 180 extreme pro. I think its a pretty new design on the market and it comes with a center overflow that has 5 holes. 3 drains and 2 returns. Anyone have any opinions on this tank? Any feedback is appreciated. I don't have the room for a 24" wide rectangular tank otherwise I would just buy a custom 3 side starfire tank. Im kinda clueless when it comes to plumbing so just wanted to get some opinions on this tank. Here's a link.

Here's some pics they sent me. Like I said I don't have the room for a standard 180 so a bowfront is my best option.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos" /></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos" /></a>
looks awesome.

but lighting would be a little challenging and $$ due to the uneven curving on the bowfront.
Anyone have this specific tank yet? If not does not anyone have any other opinions? I live in a condo and I'm limited with the space I have so this size bowfront seems to be my best option, but I would still like to get some input if anyone either has this tank with the 5 holes predrilled or if anyone has any pros or cons? I would like it to be a sps dominant tank and I'm not sold on LEDs yet, unless Neptune is able to control radion pros or mitrals in the near future.
The good thing about three drains and two returns is that you can move a large volume of water through the overflow. Separate the refugium, with a tee off of the return line and then use a large pump to maximize flow.
Thank You for the input stylo, its always good to get input from a fellow local. I want to pull the trigger so bad, but would still like more input. Also based on the dimensions of the stand I estimated a 50 gallon sump would fit. Does this seem a little small for a tank this size? It looks like the stand is divided into 3 sections. Would there be any way to level it off to put a bigger sump?
I wasn't happy with the space in the stand and as stated above lighting might be a challenge. When I upgrade I want to make sure I get exactly what I want. This hobby requires a lot of equipment and right now I'm probably gonna stick with what I have due to space restrictions for equipment. My goal in the future is to have an automatic water change system like the genesis renew, a qt tank and maybe a frag tank as well. I like to have everything automated and until I get a bigger house its gonna have to wait. I would love to have a fish room for all the equipment and maybe even make it an in wall tank. A few things that also stopped me from upgrading is pests in my current tank. Red bugs and worms that put out webs and have been burrowing into my montis. I think when I upgrade not if, I am going to start from scratch and do it up right.
One thing is in this tank, it will alow awesome centerbuilt with rocks around the overflow.
that can make an impressive aquascaping when arranged in the shape of the frontglass in a bowed shape.
But thats just me, those bowfront tanks appear then bigger as they are.