New member
I really question the device you're using to test specific gravity. If you're getting 1.023 out of the tap, your city is either piping seawater right to your house, or your readings are incorrect. Also to expand on the point Broken makes...even if you're just doing WCs and no top off, you're increasing salinity. Imagine 0.5 gallons of water evaporates. That leaves behind 0.5 gallons worth of salt. Then you take out 10 gallons in your WC, then add 10.5 gallons of saltwater at normal strength to get the tank back to full. You now have an extra 0.5 gallons of salt. Do this several times and you'll have gallons worth of extra should top off every day (or continuously, using your fancy Apex (I'm jealous!)). At minimum, you should top off with RODI before doing your water change so you're replacing 1.025 water with 1.025 water.
Yes I see now. Have started looking at dosing with RO at min and RODI from LFS and have seen lowering salinity 1.027 now this evening and fish in Quarantine and Biocube are still alive and eating well.
Also I've been using a white filter pad and a charcoal pad in my sump pre filter prior to my bioballs. Should I continue this...not sure of the benefit other than clearer water and some removal of particulate matter but I have Filter socks for that also. Thanks