Controller Cabinet


New member
Hey guys, was messing around with the 180g this weekend after getting sand, rock and the maxspect gyre delivered and decided I wanted to house all the controllers separate and inside of a small cabinet that looks good and doesn't take up too much room.
Ikea never fails so I ended up going there and hit the jackpot.

Picked this puppy up for 39$. Housed inside are the controllers for 1. jebao return pump, 2. skimz skimmer 3. maxspect gyre 4. bluefish controller
Still have to clean up the wiring and make it look somewhat presentable lol

I am considering having a small power strip inside the box to house all the power supply blocks as well but would heat buildup come into play at that point? I am not sure how much heat they would all produce.

Very cool, now get yourself some corrugated tubing to clean up that mess of wires....

I have some if you need.

I don't have a better pic of it, but you can see it cleans things up for the wires going into the wall. I also used it to clean up all the power cords and controller cables going from my tank to my control cabinet. Instead of a million cords, it looks like one thick black cord, and its easy to remove.
No its a clear glass, my entertainment cabinet is the same style with clear glass panel so I figured it went with the look perfectly

Very cool, now get yourself some corrugated tubing to clean up that mess of wires....

I have some if you need.

I don't have a better pic of it, but you can see it cleans things up for the wires going into the wall. I also used it to clean up all the power cords and controller cables going from my tank to my control cabinet. Instead of a million cords, it looks like one thick black cord, and its easy to remove.
AH! thats the name of it, I went to lowes and was trying to explain it to them and they looked at me like I was crazy :confused::hmm3:
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Lol, glad I could help. You can order it online also. If you have trouble finding some I have a ton of it (at least I think I do haha).
Go to HOME DEPOT . COM and look up GE 6 ft. Cable Neat Organizing Tubing - Black.

I am actually using stuff called Techflex on mine its not plastic is more of a nylon woven material looks awesome too..Totally helps keep everything neat!