controller question


Active member
I have two 6100 streams and a 7094 controller, will the controller work with Stream 2 6105?

Or would it be better to get the Multicontroller 7096 so it can run my waveboxes as well. They are the older version waveboxes. Or are my pumps and waveboxes to old to use with the controllers.
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The 7094 will work with the 6105's and older pumps will work with the 7096. Since the 7094 had relays that would fail after so many cycles, I would expect it is nearing they end and could fail soon, it would have to be at least 10 years old.
Thanks, I may just upgrade to the new controller, that looks nice.
The 6100s and controller were purchased together as a kit back in Feb 2003. I have just replaced the impellers on them a few times and that is all.
Can the Waveboxes be ran on it as well, looks like from the sales pages it can. I have the wavebox (from 11/2005) and extention (from 6/207). I would guess I need to have the splitter to run 2 6100 pumps and 2 6105 pumps and possibly a wavebox and extension.

Just want to make sure I have everything correct so my local store can do just one order for me.

While I am asking can the magnets from the 6155 be used on the 6105. my tank is 1" thick acrylic and I see the 6105 can not hold to that thickness.

The 7096 would run a wave box and extension on the 3rd and 4th channels, the 1st and 2nd would be used with the 7092.340 y adapter to run 4 pumps.

The 6155 magnets actually only hold on 3/4", for 1" you would need set 6205.500 for the 6105 or an extension 6205.501 to bring the 6155 up to 1".
I guessing the y adapter would make all pumps on that channel run at the same time so I would need one adapter for each channel to split the pumps a little?
The 7096 has 4 channels, the 7094 you have only has 2. When you use it in wave mode, you lose channels 3 and 4 to the wave channels and this also knocks out using an interval program since that would switch between (1 and 2) and (3 and 4). However you will be able to set independent speeds for 1 and 2. I would see no use for 2 7092.340, but, it may be better to run the wave boxes from their own controller so all other modes are open on the 7096.