Controlling Zoa Growth and Removal, HELP!


New member
I have some bright Green Zoas that I have placed on a few different rocks in my tank. They have over grown the rocks and are attempting a full takeover of 160lbs of live rock. Seriously they are everywhere, what do I do?
Well you can frag pieces off and trade/sell them to other people or store. Other than that some people form islands for certain zoas/corals to limit control but since they are on your main rock, you may need to chisel some off. After that you can place pieces of rock next to them so when they grow over them you can easily remove any unwanted growth. I do this with xenia.
Are you trying to eradicate the zoas in your tank or just control them? If eradicate, you could try an angel or butterfly (not sure what other corals you have, but they might pick on them too). If you're trying to limit them, I've had luck with forming a "puty ring" around them... it takes them longer to climb vertically and when they do it's easy to scrape them off the rim with a razor blade.

I would put a few rocks at a time in the selling forums, and replace them with nice, polyp free live rock and buy a few new polyp morphs for the new rocks. Probly the easiest way to go about it, and you get new polyps out of the deal.
the only real option is to manually remove as many as you can. This typically menas taking a large chunk of rock out of the tank and scraping off the zoa mat. You can keep the large pieces and trade them. That is the drag with Zoa and GSP they are like a weed - just prettier
I have the same problem

I have the same problem

I have the same problem with my red and purple people eaters. All over my rocks and glass in 3 tanks. I think I scrape off about 50-100 polyps every few weeks and just dump them in the trash.
seriously??.. what kind of PPE do you have?.. and why aren't you just trading them or selling them??... heck, I'll take 'em and gladly pay for shipping and handling... PM me.. lol..

btw legit PPE?? because I've seen variants and morphs of PPEs.. the true PPE takes forever to grow!! Thus why they still fair expensive...

I have the same problem with my red and purple people eaters. All over my rocks and glass in 3 tanks. I think I scrape off about 50-100 polyps every few weeks and just dump them in the trash.
^ Untrue.....PPE will grow just fine under the correct conditions. Finding the correct conditions is the real challenge.
the only real option is to manually remove as many as you can. This typically menas taking a large chunk of rock out of the tank and scraping off the zoa mat. You can keep the large pieces and trade them. That is the drag with Zoa and GSP they are like a weed - just prettier

There are many real options.
seriously??.. what kind of PPE do you have?.. and why aren't you just trading them or selling them??... heck, I'll take 'em and gladly pay for shipping and handling... PM me.. lol..

btw legit PPE?? because I've seen variants and morphs of PPEs.. the true PPE takes forever to grow!! Thus why they still fair expensive...

Just curious, would love to know where you read this, I would like to read it as well.

If you are talking about that purple disc with the green skirts polyp that has been around for over 10 years, well, I have a friend who grew 100 or more. When we hear of statements which says categorically that something is a known slow grower, what you're really saying is that the owner simply did not adequately meet the requirements for that polyp to proliferate. Excessive fragging, premature fragging, repeatitive fragging, persistant moving, lack of current, horrible parameters are just a few reasons which will stunt growth or cause myths in my opinion to evolve. Parameters don't have to be perfect, minimal flucuation is fine, but I spoke with a gentleman once a few years back, who couldn't understand why his polyps weren't growing. We checked a few parameters and sure enough, his swing arm Hydrometer was giving him seriously inaccurate readings. The above reasons alone will contribute to slow, little or no even no growth at all and there is no correlation to price. All of them are grossly over priced, but I agree with St. Patrick, it is through trial and error with minor ajustments and keeping one's hands out of their tank and documenting what works that will produce growth.

Mucho Reef
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^ LOL!!! You fooled me!

I thought you had it down! Flow, light, placement, parameters and all! I do, however, know someone that does grow these PE polyps to the point of having to throw them away.....if there wasnt so many reefers ready to buy them, and I am sure there are many other reefers that can/do also.

As mucho said-

Slow growers are only growing slow if they arent getting, or dont have, what they need to grow, or conditions just arent right to make it happen.