Converted the pump from a 240 skimmer to stream...


New member
Hey Roger,

I finally got around to converting the pump off of my skimmer to a Stream with the parts you sent me (thanks, btw), but the the pump siezes whenever the controller pulses it. The pump has no problems running at either 100% or 30% that I have it set to on the controller as long as it is started up at that power level. It's the transition between power levels that causes it to sieze and the alarm to go off. It rattles and alarms slightly for a few seconds and then fully seizes until the active channel switches - I have the 3 streams on tide mode. I've inspected it multiple times for correct insallation of the parts you sent, debris, and lime deposits but everything looks fine. I've adjusted the channel that the pump is on so that it doesn't pulse, because I'd rather have the pump in tide mode and not pulsing than not have it at all. I have the light sensor in as well, and that doesn't seem to cause any problems, so the pump runs at low power in night mode fine. I also upgraded the pump while it was still on the skimmer with the new magnet/drive unit about a year ago when I was getting heavy lime deposits. Any ideas?
The pump must have the old driver so without changing the driver it likely will not work. It has a hand made version of the 7240.26 which may or may not work, their is a small potentiometer centered on the board that could be used to make an adjustment to the alarm sensitivity but the old ones were hand calibrated for each pump and when you change it the setting has to be changed. Once you mke the change you want to test that it still alarms if run dry or if you hold the prop so it cannot move.
I sort of fixed it, I just turned the dial very slightly above 30%, maybe about 35 or 40% and it works fine now. For some reason, the pump rattles and siezes when it's on the lowest setting.
This is normal, the old driver could go really slow and at this low speed it can harm the brakes, it is going so slow they kind of fall out as it spins and drag slightly. I would do the adjustment on the board, or get a new driver.
That makes sense because when I watched the pump slow down it would almost stop completely and just stutter along, although I wonder why it wouldn't stutter in night mode because don't the pumps power down to their lowest setting? It really seems to be working great now, does adjusting the petentiometer just change the alarm sensitivity, or would there be another reason to adjust it? Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt your advice as sound, I'm just not sure that I want to fiddle with this driver because I have a feeling that it is considerably old and it seems to be running just the same as my 2 streams that are only about a year old.
The potentiometer that is not adjustable without opening the cover adjusts the alarm. The one adjustable from the outside adjusts the speed and should not be set at anything other than 100% if the pump is used on a controller.