Converting my Soft\LPS tank to SPS ONLY - HELP ME Please


New member
Well...I got a 90G that has only Soft\LPS in there and one clam...i'd like to switch over to SPS only + clams. Can you give me some feedback as to what i should be concerened about?
Here are the details:


1" Durso drain to sump and 3/4" seaswirl return. Flow seems to be well distributed all around the tank.

Urchin Pro Skimmer in sump

2x250W 10K XMs SE + 220W VHOs

Water paramaters are perfect...420 cal, 8dkh alk, no nitrates, no phosphates...78-82 degrees, 1.025 gravity

Only use RO\DI water from Glacier water machines

I use BIONIC ALK+CAL for supplemntation

Feed once a day for fish, twice a week BioPlankton and Coralplankton

PS. How do i know how much to sell my corals for? i have rocks that have different corals on them too.

Might want to think about upgrading that skimmer, adding some more intank flow (seio's, tunze's) and getting that temperature fluctuation down to 1-2 degrees.
I'd think about adding some more flow first, maybe a stream in the top/left corner?

Next up, I would consider a skimmer upgrade..but it looks like your fish load is light so you may be able to get by with what you have. Maybe reduce feedings to every other day to keep nutrients down.

You'll probably need to dose kalk and/or add a CO2 reactor after you've got alot of need to worry about that for awhile though. It'll be more cost effective in the long run than dosing the 2-part stuff.
Check the retail online stores that are selling the same corals as you are and then take 10%-20% off the price and sell them. How much rock do you have in there?
thanks guys...

1. I hear you on the flow - that may be necessary.

2. Not sure i agree with you about the skimmer..why would i need to upgrade it at all?

3. I have about 100 lbs of liverock DaddyJax
1. I agree with the above in a skimmer upgrade. I would suggest getting a skimmer that is rated for about 2x your total water volume.

2. A 4 degree temp swing could very possibly put any SPS corals in an unhappy state and possible cause some RTN/STN.

3. You may want to try to raise your Alk a couple of points. IME 10-12 Dkh is what the SPS corals prefer.

4. You did not mention what you are using for a return pump and/or what is running your 3/4 sea swirl. Without knowing that it is hard to say if you have enough flow or not. It will need to be addressed, but IMO it is not as important as the above mentioned.

5. Strongly consider getting a calcium reactor as you start to fill your tank with SPS corals. It will be much cheaper in the long run than dosing 2 part and also provide more stability.

6. Stability is the most important key to keeping stonies. The less variation you have in any/all of you parameters will make it easier for you to keep them and allow them to thrive.

Good luck and Reef on.

I agree with jjjimmy on everything except the Alkalinty parameters. I used to keep mine at around 11.2 dKH and enjoyed what seemed to be very good health and growth until one day I began to get buttom-up 'STN' on several acros. Nothing helped until another RC reefer suggested I lower the alk back closer to NSW levels. I did and the problem stopped almost immediately. Overall growth seems a little slower but no problems since. JME.
IMO...tank looks good. Don't screw with a good thing.;)

But, if you must. Remove the sand, cook the rock or get all new base rock, ditch that skimmer and get a better unit. Get some SEIO 2600's or two Tunze's and you should be good to go...oh yeah and drop that fuge.

thanks guys...this helps...look like i have to start lobbying for a new aquarium with my wife...maybe diamonds will do the trick :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6574496#post6574496 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MacnReef
...oh yeah and drop that fuge.


OK i'll bite, why?

I love mine. Helps to control nitrate and is a wonderful bug factory. Plus it adds to total water volume for increased stability.

Sorry, that statement makes absolutely no sense to me.
well i must say, this guy is going to need a new tank when we all get said and done....

I currently have a 55g with lots of SPS and softies. SPS up top, Softies on the bottom and sandbed.

i have around 2100gph moving in there......everything likes the current, so yes you'll need to increase that.
Not sure on the skimmer, heck i ran a CPR hang-on for a year and half!
now i have a sealife rated for a 150g, does the tirck, but requires constant cleaning to be efficient.

keep the fuge...rock....lights.....add a closed loop for more current.

thanks to gonna re-think this whole thing and see if i can just start a fresh new tank for sps and keep my current tank
Those are just my recommendations. I say no sand in your system at all but you can do as you like. You asked for opinions and I am giving mine.

Fuges can crash, I have had two crash on me. First time was when I removed a calcium reactor, why you may ask because the excess CO2 was not there anymore. The second one crashed because the caulerpa when a-sexual.

Plus, detritus and other organics can build up in the fuge but I do agree that they work, but can also work against you.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6576646#post6576646 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Racenrich
well i must say, this guy is going to need a new tank when we all get said and done....

Truly prophetic! :)