Converting non reef ready tank to reef ready


New member

I've had my tank for several years now, running with a HOB overflow. It's recently (due to poor husbandry on my part) become very dirty and calcified and while I caught it has caused it to stop functioning until I give it a good cleaning. That along with the fact I am debating moving my tank to the other wall in my house has got me into seriosuly thinking about drilling the tank (I have always hated the HOB anyways, though it did not fail me, it always concerned me), and was quite loud.

What is the most straightforward way to convert the tank, while having the ability to make it as close to silent as possible? I want to do it right, but at the same time I don't know how to tell if it is tempered or not.

I will probably need some help doing this, so just looking for options right now. I have heard baout glass holes overflows, but have also heard they can be pretty noisy.

Any suggestions?

Much appreciation.

Not sure the brand but i found a sticker on the bottom saying the bottom is tempered for srenght and reliability, so the bottom is definatly not drillable.
I was in the same dilemma and I just chose to buy a RR tank rather then risk breaking it. All Pets sometimes has 20% off coupons. That's how bought mine.
I am currently using a glass holes overflow on my 120 and initially I thought it was quiet but I do get a gurgling sound every so often. It very well could be that I didn't set up the rest of the drain plumbing correctly but I know next time I set up a tank I will make a proper "Beananimal" overflow. That seems to be the best design out there.

I will say thought that the glass holes overflow is inexpensive, compact, and well made. On a tight budget I think its a very good option.