New member
Something has gotten in my tank. I am not sure what it is but I have never seen corals reacting this way. This started two weekends ago and is most apparent when the lights are off. They are not feeding. This is tank is actually in a store system and we are worried there is copper or other chemicals intentionally dosed into this tank. We have done a 50% 150 gallon water change. Placed in several poly filter pads that are still in the system. I have no idea what copper poisoning will look like and how a coral will react. It looks as if white mucus is being expelled from the surface of the coral's tissue. Scollies, goniastrea, chalice, and acans were most affected. This tank is plumbed into a series of frag tanks, however this tank was hit the hardest and we suspect was the place of initial introduction. These pictures were taken 30 minutes after the lights turned off. We turned them back on just for these pictures. Other corals in the system haven't reacted because we acted quickly with the water change and poly filter pads placed through out the whole system. Any info is greatly appreciated, as I have never purposely put copper or irritiating chemicals into a reef tank.