

New member
is there any way to get rid of copper in your tank water?

is there a floss you can put in your filter?

or do you have to use Ro / Di?
You can bring it down to medium (not NSW levels) with Polyfilters (a brand name) or similar products, but if it is a severe problem, it will have bound to rock and sand and you may not beachiece the low levels you'd want.

RO/DI cannot be used on salt water.

Can you describe the situation?
I am just an extremely panicky person when it comes to this

hobby. I used to use my 10 gallon as a fw tank and I used ich

medicines. I recently have learned that these may have

contained copper so I went back and looked at the back of the

bottles and I saw that it had the ingredient malachite green. on

this website

green.html I saw that malachite green does not containe

copper? Is this correct? Even if it is I'm still buying a copper test

kit now.
If you are just talking about an empty glass tank, even with copper it can be cleaned out with bleach and water followed by vinegar and water. The malachite green is not much of a concern. :)