Coppersafe and Sand!!


New member
So I just got two purple tangs in there in my 40 gallons breeder 2" sand Bed secondary tank/QT and they look like they broke out in ich. So I am going to dose with the sandbed has anybody had this experience with sandbeds and copper? What do I need to look at for? I'm going to use 60ML over 2 days 30ML today and tomorrow how bad will the sand absorb the copper?
The problem isn't so much absorbing it now as it is leeching it out later. So you could get copper to therapeutic levels and have it either spike or drop, effectively making you start over or killing your fish. Ymmv.
The problem isn't so much absorbing it now as it is leeching it out later. So you could get copper to therapeutic levels and have it either spike or drop, effectively making you start over or killing your fish. Ymmv.

Well, it is coppersafe so it little safer and will not affect the bioload and can be removed with carbon according to the bottle I have used it once and had really good outcome never affected my Bio that I noticed but I never tried with sand. So after 30 days, I am going to put a lot of carbon in there and it suppose to be a one does for 30-day treatment which I am breaking up into two doses there a fair wrasse in there with them.