Coral Auction & Tank Setup Discussion 1/20/07


Premium Member
SEABay is starting off the year w/ a bang! The January 20th meeting will feature both a Coral Auction and a group discussion on Marine Tank Setup!

  • We'll use images taken during setup of member Bill Smith's 600-gallon reef tank for organizing and stimulating discussion on the do's and don'ts of setting up marine tanks. All welcome - membership not required.
  • Coral Auction sponsored by ATLANTIS AQUARIUM w/ 15-20 choice coral colonies and frags expected. This will be a member's-only auction. Not a member? No problem - join at the meeting and join the fun!

Meeting time -7pm

Location - Baylands Interpretive Center, 2775 Embarcadero Rd., Palo Alto

Hope to see you there!
We've gotten a list and pictures from Atlantis Aquarium of the 17 corals that will be part of the auction. Here are a few to tease you:

Bali Superman Danae

Banana Yuma

Blood Chalice

Blood Red Zoos

Metallic Torch

Purple Rhodactis

Purple Tip Acro

As you can see, there is a nice variety of corals - something for everyone! Here's your chance to get some beautiful corals at a great price and participate in a lively discussion all in the same evening.
Worth the drive!

Worth the drive!

Many of these are whole, small colonies!

I just know you folks aren't going to want to miss out on a chance at these gorgeous corals! Atlantis Aquarium added 3 more to round out the total to 20 colonies/frags up for auction.

Blue/Green Tenius

Ultra Green Table Acro

Teal Millipora

Blue Polyp Echinata

[/b]Combo Zoos[/b]

Eagle Zoos

Green Star Polyps
Metallic Blasto

Peppermint Chalice

Powder Pink Zoos

Purple Tip Granulosa

Rainbow Yuma

Sour Apple Zoos


We’ll also have the new tank setup discusión, refreshments and our traditional fundraising raffle of donated items. This month the donated items include:

***MAK4 pump
***Hagen 804 power head w/spare impeller
***Seachem Strontium/Magnesium test kit
***Several packages of red and brown seaweed strips

Hope to see you this evening!
Attendance numbers were disappointing (only about 30 people), but I think the folks that came, walked away w/ some beautiful corals for far less than they'd have paid retail. Some folks only bought a few raffle tickets and ended up w/ some great things (like that Mak4 pump!) as well.

I wish I understood what we need to do in order to get more people to participate....
i would go ReefCherie, Although it's a tad bit far for me to travel as im in salinas,california. what do you think...:confused:
ChAoTiCrEeFeR4U - SEABay meetings are only every other month, so if you see we are doing something interesting or we have a great speaker, if I were you, I'd make the drive. I drive down to Monterey as often as I can to go to the Aquarium. The traffic on a Saturday in either direction wouldn't be that bad.

We'll have Bart Shepherd, Curator at the Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco as our guest speaker for the March meeting - talking about the plans and progress of the new aquarium and we may have another coral auction.

If the Monterey club is doing anything interesting, please post in our SEABay forum here on RC so that we hear about it as well. I think it is important for clubs within driving distance of each other to share news of their activities so that everyone may benefit. I also belong to the Bay Area Reefers and sometimes attend their functions to the north of me and have even been known on occasion to drive up to the Sacramento area to participate in something MARS is putting on. :D
'WOW' ReefCherie, sounds like you got your hands full with all this goodstuffs! i will definately make the drive up soon enough. ps. i will keep you posted if anybody in my area is doing something worthwhile also. thanx again ReefCherie...