Coral banded shrimp and questions.


New member
Hi everyone. Recently I orderred a golden CBS but i received a normal but big female cbs(about 5 cm for body) as the golden ones were out of stock. Currently she is in my 25 gallon with a skunk cleaner, 4 hermits and a nassarius, along with 2 pyjama cardinal, a yellow watchman and a lawnmower blenny(would sell or trade him away if he gets too big.). Currently I am happy with my fish stocking, but I really want more inverts (like maybe after the lawnmower is gone) like white spot anemone shrimp, pompom crab,emperor shrimp and maybe longnose shrimp but its really small. My pistol shrimp just died so I am going to look for a new one. My CBS occupies the back of the tank, climbing on the back glass which is covered in algae and very seldomly goes on the substrate or rocks near it, except feeding time. So far it has done no damage, all 4 of my hermits are okay, cleaner shrimp still there. But the thing is my cbs and cleaner once stood really near each other and the cbs did not attack. But when my cardinals move close,it waves its claws and even snaps. Will I be able to add the inverts I really want? They all for some reason occupy the left side of the tank where there is my big rocks and bush coral, like all the fish except cardinals, blue linckia starfish and my cleaner. So the right side and middle of the tank is empty (although there is corals, rocks and a cave.). Any help is appreciated and yes I do know that CBS can be aggressive haha. Here is a crappy pic of my tank for some reference or something [emoji38] Here is my list of my corals: A nice sized toad stool leather, 2 zoanthid colonies, favia brain?, a few palythoa?, elegance coral, a few discosoma and my bush coral. Thanks!!!

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Bro, please, first Deal with that cyano problem you got there. How do you filter? What is your light? Your water changes?

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Bro, please, first Deal with that cyano problem you got there. How do you filter? What is your light? Your water changes?

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First off this picture was awhile ago and the cyano problem is mostly taken care of and my cycle just ended a month ago so its normal right? I do daily cyano removal which I do not find to be troublesome. My filter is a hob filter with a small surface skimmer. My water changes are 25 percent weekly, but if there is any problems i will do an immediate 25 to 50 percent water change. My light is 24 watts LED light with both blue and light, it may seem low but it is good as my elegance coral is doing very well (BUT I will upgrade as I get more light demanding corals (which i most likely wont as I like soft and lps). (i know i know. Blue linckias need an established tank and I really wanted one, i got mine for quite a cheap price :P) Any issues with this, please just tell me, I do not like posts that seem aggressive haha (not sure if thats the right word)[emoji38] Appreciate it :)

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The regular Banded Coral Shrimp is much more likely to be aggressive to tank mates than the Gold Banded Coral Shrimp - especially to smaller crustaceans.

Personally, I would demand the shop send me what I ordered and if they don't, chargeback the purchase. (Donate the current shrimp to a LFS if the place you ordered from doesn't want it back...)

You may not have issues for a long time, but at some point you may start losing small livestock and then you've got to determine if that shrimp is the culprit. Save yourself the trouble and possibly the other tank inhabitants' lives and get the less aggressive Golden version.
The regular Banded Coral Shrimp is much more likely to be aggressive to tank mates than the Gold Banded Coral Shrimp - especially to smaller crustaceans.

Personally, I would demand the shop send me what I ordered and if they don't, chargeback the purchase. (Donate the current shrimp to a LFS if the place you ordered from doesn't want it back...)

You may not have issues for a long time, but at some point you may start losing small livestock and then you've got to determine if that shrimp is the culprit. Save yourself the trouble and possibly the other tank inhabitants' lives and get the less aggressive Golden version.
Actually. The coral banded shrimp did not bother anyone,even the tiny sexy shrimp. But recently, she died... Not sure what happened but it is sad to lose an impressive creature.

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Actually. The coral banded shrimp did not bother anyone,even the tiny sexy shrimp. But recently, she died... Not sure what happened but it is sad to lose an impressive creature.

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That doesn't counter the fact that it was more likely to be a threat to smaller tank fish and crustaceans in the long run and that you made a better choice in ordering the golden banded shrimp (but whoever fulfilled your order messed up and could have caused you problems some day).

Also, I felt you shouldn't have been forced to pay for their (bad) substitution...