Coral Beauty nipping corals - help, please


New member
Coral Beauty nipping corals
Hey guys and gals -

My coral beauty has decided that it likes to nip my blue tort. Does anyone know any secrets or have any ideas for discouraging this?

I don't want to lose the tort. It's beautiful.

I dont' want to get rid of the Coral Beauty. It's beautiful.

Any ideas or suggestions for having the 2 live in harmony would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Diane
blue tort

blue tort

I say keep the blue tort, my Scirbbled did the same thing, and eventually,stopped eating prepared foods, he died as a result of starvation, I don't think the corals in our tanks are quite big enough or diverse enought oe even keep them alive. If they wont eat prepared foods, and are eating your corals, return to lfs.

good luck!
You can try putting a strawberry basket over the coral for a while. Might break the habit. Try feeding a frozen food for angels. I've found that in some instances, the fish just isn't getting the proper food and once it does it might leave the coral alone. If not, you'll have to make a choice between the two.
My CB would pick at new sps after they were added to the tank. A few people suggested that it may be picking at the slime coat of the coral, and it seemed to be true. After a day or two, once the coral was settled, the fish would leave it alone.

As suggested, try covering the sps for a day or two and see if it makes a difference.


Mine's brand new, I got him as a freebie my old job closed down, and their fowlr tank I got to take for free, a nice tenecor 150g and the 4 fish in there a clarki clown, yellow tan and CB. The CB is actually m second CB I have had the first one died from a dsb disturbance, since gotten rid of the dsb nps there but mine is not nipping corals yet, I do see him swiming around them, but I have had good luck with CB's as far as diet, they seem to love algae, and film, no sps yet. Thank god. Good luck yea, if he's nipping now he may start munching soon, and irritate your sps to the point of rtn/stn, so perhaps best to give him over to LFS or a friend or trade.

Well, the blue tort lost, but the CB doesn't nip at any other corals in my tank that I can see. It's been several weeks now and everything (except the blue tort, which I loved and was soooo pretty) seems to be in harmony, so the CB wins. I guess I just won't get any more tort and see how that goes. The SPS takes so long to grow, I'm not sure if I want to continue along that vein anyhow.

Thanks for all the help guys/gals and other fish freaks : )
