Coral Crab?


New member
I have a Sinnularia thin finger leather. It has been doing fine for months and recently started looking a little less extended and colorful lately. I noticed while doing a water and sand (shallow) change that it was barely still attached to the 1/2" branch coral it came mounted to. The trunk of the finger is about 1.5-2" in diameter. I had placed it directly on the sand bed, and it appeared happy all this time. Tonight I had moved it to a new location up in the rocks. I was hoping it would migrate to a larger rock with plenty of footing. It was also closer to the T-5's. Since it had moved slightly I was attempting to wedge it's original finger coral base deeper into the rock. All the attempts led to it becoming loser. I decided to give remounting it a shot. As I was investigating the bottom and how it was attached (now appeared to only be mounted by one point, I noticed some fluff under the stalk. I thought...I this some sort of bacteria or silt? So I adjusted the piece such that the substance fell away. Then I turned it over to see where it fell, but it went back under the stalk. That is weird I thought to myself...why did that...wait a minute...those look like little legs. Sure enough this white flat sand ball looking thing was moving back and forth when I nudged it. FREAKY! I have never heard of anything like it. Does anyone know what this crab-like thing is? I don't have a camera to take a picture (that is later this month perhaps) of the little bugger. Not that it would be possible to get him exposed and take a picture at the same time. I simply put it back as best I could until someone here could help me.

Wow, it took a while but he was still there. Take a look at my little friend. Can anyone ID him from these photo's.

Before Stupid Crab:


Stupid little crab:

New home for the leather:
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After doing a little research for you, I believe (not 100 percent sure) that you have a Xanthidae crab. Xanthidae sp.2 (coral crab) or Xanthidae sp.4 (sponge crab) are what I found to be most similar. I did the research on this site, Click "skip intro", then "Lab", then click on "crabs". Doesnt have a ton of info, but nice nonetheless. Sorry I dont know how to post a link to a website on here, otherwise I would have done that for you. Hope this helps. BTW, some species of Xanthidae, not sure about Xanthidae sp.2 and sp.4, can play badly with corals.