Coral declining, any ideas?


New member
First official post here on reef central, although I have been a lurker for a long time.

I have been keeping SPS for over 3 years now and have recently started another tank, 30 gallon shallow with a 20 gallon sump.

Lights. Radion XR30w g4 pro
Flow. MP10 running at 100% random
Filtration. RO BH50
Titanium heater

Alk. 7.8
Cal. 420
Mag 1300
Nitrates 2ppm

No dosing, just weekly 10% water changes. No additives.

I have 10 frags/mini colonies in this tank. They all look great other than this one. It started off great with PE and color. After about 3 weeks in the tank it started to get really dark and PE started to lessen. Now it is dark with light spots and no PE at all. I am unsure what this is as nothing in the tank has changed since it has been in the tank. Same placement, lighting, feeding, etc.

Any ideas?

Apologies for the bad pic, I will take another tonight. The coral is darker than pictured with white areas, mostly on base but not consistent.
I had a bright orange monti turn very dark rust (no white spots though ) color when I moved it from under a AI-52 to a Radion XR30w g4. Both LEDs over the same tank . A couple corals became slightly darker under the Radion but not like this monti which is drastically darker . Perhaps it is similar cause
You know if everything else is looking good, I would just keep it stable as possible and observe. Sometimes you can just have a real finicky one that just does not like your tank..
Do you know your phosphate level by chance?
The fact that your alk doenst drop in a week is worrying. It means there is no uptake by corals or coraline algae.

Do you use GFO or other types of phosphate absorbing media?
Are we talking about a tank that is 3 years old, or brand new? If you're putting these acros in your brand new tank, I would stop. It needs to get seasoned for a while before you introduce something difficult like acros.

Phosphate undetectable is also an issue. Acros need some phosphates.
That frag looks like it could have two or three red bugs on it. That would definitely. Ake it look like that.