Coral feeding questions


New member
I am trying to feed my corals in the most optimal manner and I was wondering the techniques others use??? Also, should I have a lot of flow to push around the food or barely any so the food can be suspended and they can latch on to it easier.

Also I just got a goniopora, what should I feed it?
You can target feed your LPS if you like. I don't have many LPS but for my tank I just turn off the main pump and let only the powerheads run. Then I add the food and it just whirls around in the tank. The corals all get their fair share of it as do the fish.

When all of the food is consumed I turn the main back on. My tank inhabitants are very greedy and the feeding usually lasts 3 minutes or less. I really don't go out of my way to feed my corals though. The immense amount of flow in my tank alomst ensures they are get something as their polyps are always out and active.
What is it you believe they are getting??? Besides a few small legged worms in my tank I dont believe there is anything "live" in my tank for my corals to constantly feed on. I was considering adding pods to my tank as I have not seen any and my tank is approaching 1 year.
Well they get fish poop, I have lots of that LOL. Sohal makes tons for them to munch on.

They also get some of the juices from the defrosted mysis and other frozen foods. My LPS are seen actively catching small pellets and frozen food suspended in the water column as well.

I have tons of pods from the fuge and in the rockwork of the tank.
They are getting fed enough I would think. I also tend to feed heavily. MY wife normally feeds them first and then I feed them again later in the day/evening.

Other than that I don;t do anything else, I just leave them be.
The only thing I have ever target fed was a baby maxia that I still have. I only target fed it because it was just under 1.5 inches when I got it.
My tank also just reached the 1 year mark as well. The current tank is an upgrade from a smaller 55g which was also only up for a year.

I will be upgrading to a custom 270G this year as well. i think I go through the upgrade thing every year LOL. This should be the last for quite some time. (I hope!)
yah I plan on going from my 37 to a 56 or 65 during the summer, most likely the 65 but everything is stuck on to my rocks and I like the rockwork set up now so its going to be a pain to get my rock work the way I like it with coral attached to it.