Coral food for lightly stocked SPS tank?


New member
I have a tank that I recently just started adding fish and coral to. I currently have 6 SPS frags (acro, monti, birdsnest, pavona). Only 2 fish (one a tiny yellow watchman goby), and my nitrates barely creep up to 2ppm by the time I am ready for my every 2 weeks 10% water change. My skimmer is hardly pulling anything out as well (rated for 110 gallons). Most of the corals have decent polyp extension. However, my green slimmer is "bent" a bit, and the polyps are only open on the side that faces the light.

I have done some searches, but everything changes so quickly with SPS reefs.

Do people currently recommend coral food for SPS tanks with light fish loads?

I would love to start feeding with something like Reef Chili if it improves color/growth, but not if it only adds algae.
The key to the best SPS coloration is lots of nutrients in, and also lots of nutrients out. In other words, the best tanks usually have a monster skimmer. If you don't have the equipment to support extra feedings (especially water column feedings) then it will only cause you grief. Just because you have a light fish load doesn't mean you need to add coral food since you're already at 2 ppm NO3. If your corals were pale and your NO3 was undetectable, AND you have the equipment to support it, then I might suggest trying Reef Chili.
I disagree with the massive amounts of nutrients out vs in. But he makes the point that I want to. You simply need to match the out with the in. If you can keep 2ppm steady. Then you're good.

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Okay. I'll hold back. The 2ppm nitrate was the peak after adding a 2nd fish and 2 weeks in between changes. It was actually less than 2 (the lowest on the scale), but slightly detectable. I have a slimmer rated at 110 gallons on my 40 breeder, so I think that is good. I haven't been picking up any nitrate since.

I think I will hold off on the feedings for a bit. The corals look pretty good. I am just worried about being too sterile with the low fish and big skimmer. Any other thoughts on feedings?
Eventually your tank will catch up with bioload. So, you'll have to up it. Other than that. Feed away. Just try and be consistent and don't change too many things at once.

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2ppm nitrate with 2 fish in 40g is a blessing. I'm here trying to get nitrate to register on my 125g with a dozen fish.

Your tank is still young. Add some more fish and more hardy corals to get your nutrient uptake rolling. You can try small target feedings at night and see how they react. Water column feedings at this point (6 frags to 40 gallons) could be more detrimental long term. As with everything, take it slow and easy, and keep an eye on things when making changes.
If your corals are resounding well right now I wouldn't change anything for a few months. Adding a small amount of reef chilli however twice a week won't hurt.
