Coral Frags for Sale and a Oceanic 30 Gallon Cube (Drilled and Built like a Tank)

Thanks for the frags! Can't wait to see the 310 up and running!

Thank you. The upgrade is going to be a lot of fun. I have to break down this 90, but after 2 years I've been putting it off because it's been my baby. I actually don't even like fragging. In the back of my mind I'm apologizing to my corals for hacking them up. Lol

Glad to see this back.

Thanks Rob. ;)
Coral Frags for Sale and a Oceanic 30 Gallon Cube (Drilled and Built like a T...

Coral Frags for Sale and a Oceanic 30 Gallon Cube (Drilled and Built like a T...

Here's a pic of the Oceanic Cube. Make an offer. They seriously do not make stock tanks like this anymore. Hell, look at the glass thickness compared to the Petco 40 breeder below it.



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No more Red Planet.

Still have plenty of the Pink Birdsnest, Bird of Paradise, Green Stylophora, Purple Stylophora, Purple Monitpora Cap. A few pieces of Setosa and Hawkins and maybe one or two of the Sarmentosa.

Surprisingly, the 30 Gallon tank is still available. Scratching my head on that one.