Coral help


New member
Looking for a little help. I have a small frag of a green branching acro that was doing well for a few months, but has recently started developing a brown film on the tips of the branches. If it is brushed off the tips underneath are bleached white. I just recently noticed the same pattern happening with an ORA birdsnest, except with the birdsnest the pattern seems to be on the stalks rather than at the tips. The birdsnest seems to be ejecting polyps

I have a pink birdsnest that was introduced at the same time and appears to be healthy. There are also other frags of monti digi and monti caps, as well as a RBTA that are doing well.


Temp: 78
Ammonia: 0
trite: 0
trate: <1
salinity: 1.025
dKH: 9.3
Ca: 440
Mg: 1290

Lighting from an ATI sunpower 6bulb with ATI bulbs. Both frags are high in the rockwork. Approx 30x flow in the DT. Any other info that is needed let me know. Thanks.
sounds like tip burning which happens due to high alk if carbon dosing is being performed. or could be simply too much light that can also bleach coral from tips down.