Coral ID Please


New member
I apologize for this generic post, but after a lengthy search on several photo reference and sales sites I am truly at a loss. I was hoping I would be able to identify it but I cannot so I am in search of others help so I can place it in a proper spot of my tank. I was buying my clowns and saw this for $12 so I figured I gotta start somewhere.
As for tank info as I am sure it will be asked is as follows-
20l with 10g sump
Temp 79
Salinity 1.022
Octopus reef ns80 protein skimmer still being broken in
15lb ish rock, about 5 pounds was bought live
Carib live sea sand(I think)
Current running an aqua clear 70 with live rock in it. The intake to this was split running to a day surface skimmer
I use petco real ocean water.
Current stock is-
2 ocellaris clownfish
scarlet skunk shrimp
Scarlet hermit crab


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Or maybe just a few tips for a newbie from the looks. High flow, low flow, high light.
Currently have it in medium light with high water movement and another mouth has appeared so I am thinking it approves of the location.
Lights are dual t5Ho, one 10k, the actinic, I can add more but I will be building an led setup soon enough.
As for the ID, I'm going to say a favia (search "green and red favia")
Unfortunately I don't have any so I can't help with the care requirements.
Good luckand hope this helps!
Looks like a favia to me as well. I'd start it low in tank and keep it low to mid.

All the ones I've had readily took mysis. I'd take the time to give it some mysis once a week or as often as you feel inclined. Pumps off and might have to fend off some of the tank inhabitants.

It's an xmas favia, so lower flow and lower light would be preferred. To be honest your lights are neither putting out enough light nor in the best spectrum to keep the colors on it, doing a DIY LED with a lot of royal blues and only a few neutral whites will clear that up though :)
Thanks again folks. Guess it's time to move it then. I have been fiddling a little with flow because the powerhead was just too strong.
I am building the gu10 fixture right now. I bought(don't know if I will use all of them) 10 cool white led 3x3w gu10 bulbs and 4 blue 12w gu10s, gonna prob buy a few purples if once it's done I feel it needs it, or more blues.