Coral ID please!!!


New member
Looking to buy this coral from lfs but wanting to know what it is, they do not know...want to do research before i purchase it!


The coral in the link that you provided closely resembles the Distichopora species coral depicted on page 104 of the Borneman book. (The corals illustrated for Stylaster appear to have finer, more abundant branches.)
"Like Stylaster, Distichopora are ahermatypic and aposymbiotic hydrocorals found in shaded and usually higher nutrient conditions."
So it will need to be fed, zooplankton or a reasonable substitute (i.e. Cyclopeze.)
id feed 2 little fishes zoplan over cyclopese in my opinion itsa way better food for zooplankton eating inverts and corals i dont put the cyclopese in my tank because only a few things really seem to eat it!
Ok, thanks everyone i think i might pick it up tomorrow....See if LFS stay true to the price they said...