Coral ID pls


New member
I wasn't able to take good pictures of 2 corals I found on my live rock- Soon, I'll try again and get better shot.

I'll try my best describe them both:

1.) The coral I found was originally transparent- looks like tunicate. It came on the live rock I got from someone and I left in the vat for a while till I put it in 10 gal nano. Few days passed by and it turned maroon/wine color and has bulbous tips that has neon blue/aquamarine color. It is roughly 1/4 inch tall and is in cluster of about 8 stalks. Recently, it begans to branch and formed more bulbous tips. Could it be polyp?

2.) 2nd coral was from a live rock I got from store very recently- I wasn't aware of it till I put it in the tank. It looks a lot like withered mushroom (corallimorph) and has very vivid green coloration, almost like mountain dew. It's approx. 1/4 in diameter and has few small brown stripes on it. My wild guess it would be a fragment of favia or similar specie but it is soft to touch without any skeletonal base...

If anyone know, please let me know, thanks!
Did you get a chance to take pics?

Hard to ID without any pictures.

My best guess on #1 is it may be some sort of branching macro algae. :confused:
I'm going to try again to get better shot of both this week. As for number 1, its bulbous tips glow under actinic- I have heard of biolumiscent macro algae, could this be it?
#2 sounds like actinodiscus (= discosoma) probably green striped mushroom.

#1 may be something like xenia or galaxia
Going to take another shot of number 1 soon- it seems a lot like macro-algae right now. Started to see the shape taking on its own so maybe I should wait a week and see how it is growing then take a shot. I took a shot but still too small to see...

As for number 2, it seems to start budding because I saw small fragments floated away from the main piece. Still too small to see on picture...