Coral ID?


New member
I hate to make another one of those ID threads, but I got some live rock from my LFS and it came with a coral on it that seems similar to GSP but when I look at pics online it doesn't seem the same.
Has polyps coming out of purple blob covering portion of rock. Each polyp has eight tentacles, they are green and they don't protrude much.

Is this GSP or something else?




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Pachyclavularia (Green star polyps)

I love this stuff. When well established, you will see little of the purple base but lots of encrusting soft green polyps.

It can get problematic through over growth, but it's so pretty who cares? Mine stays where I put it and adds a beautiful green carpet to the decor.

They like moderate to high current, strong light. Photosynthetic, but can eat phytoplankton. Very popular stuff.
As above, it's a Green star polyp. I've seen these and also the variety that don't possess the white head in the centre classed as GSP.