coral ideas needed


New member
I have a 55FOWLR tank. I just bought a 4x65w lighting for it and i would like to get some corals. My problem is i have a valentine puffer and a spotted hawk. Are there any corals that these fish will not bother and will work under my lights? Thanks
I set up an almost identical tank at my work, and filled it with many frags from my reef at home. It has assorted zoanthids, mushrooms, sarcophyton, capnella, xenia, and anthelia. The only coral that was "iffy" was the xenia and it's doing fine located up high under the lights. After it was set up and running a couple months I put a valentini into it, I just couldn't resist. He hasn't touched any of the corals. The only negative so far is his attentions to the snails, but no casualties there, the valentini seems more curious than anything. It also hasn't bothered any of the fish (a maroon clown and a blue damsel) BUT fin nipping is supposed to be a major downside to these guys. I may have just lucked out with this one.

All the corals are doing great though growth is definately slower than under halides.

Oh yeah, afaik the hawkfish should be completely safe with corals. I haven't yet heard of one that would damage them.
i am guessing the hawkfish is are said to be not reef safe because they eat shrimp and other creatures. Glad to know they don't eat coral. Thanks for the info