Coral identification book

Corals of the world by JEN Veron is a 3 book series and it usually is about $400-500 for the set. I got mine for a steal at $300.

A good basic I'd book is the one done by Eric borneman. Anthony calfos book of coral prop and the Julian sprung reef series are pretty good,
If you like getting into the nitty greddy biology and chemistry behind reefkeeping I highly recommend Seven A. Fossa and Alf Jacob Nielsens Modern reefkeeping series.
Veron's book is now a website.
I do think there is a need for a book of all these designer named corals book.
To figure out what type of coral it actually is and not just the color morph.
The reality is that physical characteristics are a very poor way to identify corals. Corals vary a lot in morphology depending on their environment.

Inexpensive genetic sequencing is showing us that the traditional groupings based on physical characteristics are not all that accurate.

Here is one example