Coral Identification?


New member
I noticed this growing in my tank a few weeks back. Started off small and barley noticeable but has grown to about the size of a quarter over a 3 week period. I have a 60 gallon cube.

If it helps identification I have the following in my tank:
  • Frogspawn
  • Hammer Coral skeleton (first arrow top of pic)
  • Bubble Tip Anemone
  • 3 Clownfish
  • 2 Firefish
  • A Fuzzy green carpet looking coral (came attached to some live rock i bought a couple of years ago) - I The second red arrow in the pic on the center left.
  • Previously had 2 peppermint shrimp but had to get rid of them because one of them ate almost $120 worth of frags before i could finally get him out.

Below is a picture and I've also placed a video on youtube. Any help would be appreciated.



Sorry here is the link to the image. For some reason I could not edit my previous post. Sorry for the duplicate post.
So, I cant tell what the top two arrows are pointing towards, but the bottom one appears to be an algae. I would guess Halymenia, also called "Dragons Tongue Algae"
Top arrow looks like a dead skeleton from a wall hammer or elegance. The middle arrow is Pavona. And the third is an algea, but the degons breath and dragons tongue is usually longer and more flowy, that looks more compact.