Coral Identification


New member
Any ideas?

Likes like ricordea or some other sort of mushroom. Interesting that it seems to stand up on a stalk. If not a ric, maybe a mushroom mimicing a ric?
An LFS that I visit has something very similar which seems to reproduce fairly quickly. I cant recall exactly what they called it, but it was refered to as an anemone. To me it looked like something invasive so I left it there, but I have been there when people bought some. :rolleyes:
Looks like a majano anemone (s) to me... Just as invasive and annoying as aiptasia, and can be killed the same way as aiptasia.
I thought majano, too, but none of my majanos in the 'farm' have the 'bubbles' in the oral disc, just around where the tentacles are. All of mine have smooth oral disc.