I have 3x400 watt 10k MH's
Ah, yes, this is probably why... Are they XM brand?
You'll need to seriously photoacclimate ANY new coral your going to put in the tank..
I have seen wholesalers place window screens over the top of the holding tanks. To cut down the amount of light the the newly transported corals will get . this has been helpful in cutting down streesed out corals.
Very true, I do that at the store I work at.
Get some Nylon black screen and place it over the newly arrived corals, while still placeing the coral on the bottom..
Start out with 3 sheets or so, then about 5 or so days later, 2 sheets, a week later 1 sheet, then start moving it up where you want to, moving it 6 inches or so every 3 to 5 days untill you reach the disired finnal placement of the coral, leave the last screen sheet on there for about 5 to 8 more days and then you should be fine to take it off...
Sound right guys???
thats about a month or so's worth of photoacclimation.
are you supplimenting with actinics?
what is your current photoperiod?