coral newbie question


New member
I am new to the hobby but even newer to corals. i just got my first 4 corals and i had a question. one that i purchased was a zoanthid on a sizeable piece of live rock which is doing great. two of the others (GPS yellow polyps frags) were on frag plugs but it looks like the plugs are on a small round piece of live rock. i currently have the plugs in holes in the rock but i know that is not the way it should be done. do i take the plug off the piece of rock and then glue the piece of rock onto my existing live rock? if so, just normal coral glue? or am i going about this all wrong?
here is how my frag is on my rock. the plug is partially in a hole in the rock but it is not fully in the rock. I should leave it like this?


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As lomg as you and it are happy with the placement and look, and it is secure enough a snail or urchin won't bulldoze it, it is fine.
You can leave them on the plug without problem, they can overgrow it and hide it anyways. If I can I cut the bottom piece about half way and glue the plug into the holes in the rock, that way I dont have to cut it off the plug