coral of the week { pocillopora damicornis }

.....On Dasher, On Dancer, On Donder and Poci????????.......

ok frickin frags.. what they heck is rudolph doing in the aquarium??? I love the coral... what can one expect to pay for a frag of it???
The beaststroke Grizz :) what's the deer worth to ya?

The serious side:
My P. damicornis grows at an extreme rate. Every tip is usually a growing tip. I have given many frags away, covered a plastic plate with about 40 frags, dropped a good 10 frags, got 3 nice sellable frags, and I still have 2 jumbo pieces. All these pieces are from 2 original frags obtained last spring.
We made the deer maybe 3 months ago and it has been sitting in my leather tank (one of 2 ten gallons sharing a pair of VHO's.) It has easily doubled in size and in fact I may have to frag off the lopside and cut Rudolph there back to only a 20-25 point buck. I think fragging makes this stuff grow even faster, and for sure bushier. The one original frag is getting to be a solid block because of so many fraggings.
It is fairly non-aggressive although it gets tired of Xenia eventually and forces it back somehow, and of course, like everything else, it will burn Montipora. It also burns birdsnest (Seriatopora) but not violently like Hydnophora. It can't tolerate being hung out to dry for an hour like Acropora can (whooops, but that is a different story for a different thread). It puts out almost no slime, as opposed to stuff like Turbinara and Acropora. It regrows over dead sketeton well. Light requirements vary from unbelievably low to bright. It doesn't like the superbright light and I would guess it isn't found in the tidal zones too much, although it loves a breeze.
I don't know why Puterbaugh(sp?) gave it an "8" difficulty rating in his book, maybe he needs to do a water change. I would say, along with Aiptasia anemones, Xenia (all flavors) and Capnella, Pocillapora holds it's place as the SPS representative of the "Grows like weeds" club. ( Montipora digitata is in strong contention)

I don't think you should have to pay more than $15, $20 tops for a frag of the standard flavor, because it isn't scarce. There are some wicked green and bluish variations that someone could rightfully ask maybe $30 for a frag because those are some choice corals. (IMVHO)
polyp bailout?

How does this work? Does this happen with most SPS or just pocillopora? What size piece 'bails' out, is it a little single polyp or a full branch? Sorry lots o questions. It sounds pretty cool.


Usually its a single polyp. It just drops off and starts a new colony. This is actually common in some species sps's.


p.s. I just replied to your email sorry it took a while.