Coral question/help


New member
First: Heres the scoop on my current setup. It is a 60 gal with a 30 gal sump. It was setup aprox 3 weeks ago. Everything was transferred from my old 33 gallon which was 1 year old including 65 lbs live rock, most of the water and a large portion of the substrate which was layered on top of about an 1-1/2 of new sugar sand. I added about 20 lbs of new liverock which was cured for about 2 weeks. The sump is also new. It also includes a HOB CPR refugium which came off the old tank and remains unchanged, and an Urchin Pro skimmer in the sump, which is working quite well. Lighting is a 150W Halide, with about 190W of Atinic. All of the stock I moved from the old tank is doing very well, never missed a beat. 10 days ago I added a new coral(Scolymia sp.). It inflated well the first day, then went down hill rapidly for the next 2 days. I was worried that there was receding tissue issue and so I took it back to the LFS. Within hours it was back to its regular self. Left it there for a couple of days and brought it home. It has been in my tank since Sunday. Its Friday and still has not inflated. Having said that, it will inflate a bit and the tentacles will come out when I do feed it at night, but it is pulled up tight during the daylight hours. Under the moonlites I can see the rose color tissue fine and there is no sign of tissue degeneration. Just won't inflate. It is about 16" down in the tank and in a lower flow area of the tank. I last checked water paramaters before I put him back in the tank. All parameters were good with nitrates and nitrites being 0 and ammonia being less than .01, but definitely not 0.

Something is obviously different or off in my tank when compared to the LFS. Can it take corals this long or longer to acclimate to different tank conditions? Is there something else I need to be looking at. Do I need to worry yet as there is definitely stills signs of life?
what is the difference between your tank and the setup at the store? Light, skimmer etc? Try putting it in a higher flow area.