Coral reaching surface?


New member
I have a green slimer that I recieved as a frag probably one or two inches and is now around 5 or 6 inched it is probably only half an inch below the water line now. Will the coral change shape to avoid growing out of the water or do I need to move the coral lower in the tank. It has grown one arm about midway up and seems to be growing a few out of the base. Thanks
Coral growth is mostly affected by flow. If you have the ability to lower it, I would, but not if you have to break it from its base.

I have had a stag hit the top of the water and it stopped growing.
i have seen several pics of SPS growing out of the water.

I wish I could remeber they were. It was in a tank that was posted here a year or so ago.
They will grow flat, wavy tips, usually, when they grow out of the water. I sent some of Leroy's blue tip back to garf a few years ago during a frag drive and Norm had to call back to ask what made them grow like that.
Thanks for the replies. I geuss I will see what happens I am hoping that it will start to become more of a colony rather than just a single antler. If it stalls completely I will move it down some.