Coral Spotlight | Birdsnest


Active member
Common names: bird's nest coral

Difficulty Level:Birdsnest is one of the most forgiving SPS corals. While they still require higher lighting, flow and more stable chemistry, they are generally much more forgiving.

Feeding: Birdsnest has extremely small polyps and only the ability to capture the smallest items. Feeding is not usually needed in a well lit reef. Plankton foods are likely most beneficial.

Lighting (Level 6 to 10): These corals easily adapt to all medium to high light conditions, and they do it relatively easily. Less acclimation is needed, but care should still be taken.

Water flow: Moderate to strong flow is needed to keep these corals clear of debris. The higher the flow, the tighter a colony will usually grow.

Placement: Birdsnest has small stinging tentacles which enables it to clear a path and continue growing. When placing these in an SPS reef, take care to give them plenty of room to grow.

General: Stable calcium and alkalinity is a must with these corals


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Birdsnest seem to be the most sensitive coral to alk. Whenever I’ve had alk swings (+2dkh/24h) it’s always the seriatopora that takes the initial blow, sometimes even the only one. Good thing is I’ve never lost an entire colony, it’s usually 50% that dies off over the course of a week, before it returns to normal.
I can agree with that, also easy to get algaes and detritus trapped inside the larger colonies. Lots of heavy random flow needed once they get real big or they can get die off.

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