Coral Sting? In a Reef tank?

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
After spending an extraordinary amount of time in the tank this past weekend , buried up to my chest with both arms re-aquascaping my 120, I've now developed this small but localized (puffy) red spot on the back of my hand.

Could this really be a Coral sting??
more than likely some bacteria from you live rock got into a small cut. my recent teardown gave me a number of them. i squeezed them to remove any accumulated infection and bubbled the injuries with H2O2 and they went away after a day or two.
I suggest immediate removal of the tank and all accompanying aparatus from your home so this can't and won't happen again. I will gladly sacrafice myself and allow it to be moved to my home (at your expense--I can't be expected to cover that!) for future and long term observation. You MUST think of your health at this time. :beer:


Geez... thanks for all the well-wishes.

I think I'll just self-medicate tonight though with some internal therapy taken orally.