Coral Toxins


Premium Member
Since I have seen pictures of what it has done to you, and others :rolleyes: I thought this a good topic to hit on. I recently got me a bunch of Latex disposable gloves and im curious about the powder thats used on these gloves, is it just talc powder? Any problems with very small traces entering the water? Am I picking the fly poo poo out of the pepper? Also do you think that handling one coral then handling another coral will transfer toxins thus killing the 2nd coral handled? or possibly submitting it to ill-health

Thanx Bro!

BTW, ORCA (orlando reef club) has approved the expense for you to come down on July 26th. You still free? Shall I book your flight?

Cheers, Rocky :)

Great question... seriously. I'm not sure about the podwer(s) used on the gloves but am disinclined to use it at all.

You can get latex gloves that are thicker and without powder (safer and better indeed). Do seek these instead.

As far as organic residuals on the gloves... I suspect that some sensitive corals may be stimulated by the sensation from a previously handled coral... but trust that with a good rinsing of hands/tools between uses... the point is moot. No worries.

Sorry to have missed your call this weekend (Fri?) about ORCA. I was in Baltimore and then Lancaster. Got home late last night.

Please do me a favor and e-mail me the dates/possible flight info to confirm. July will still be great. Are we still talking late Fri-Sun trip? Sat or Sunday meeting/events? I'll be home till Thurs if you want to chat by phone... then off to the Tulsa club with our good friend Bob Fenner :)

