Coralife Power Center Noise Normal?


New member
Hello, I just plugged in my Coralife Power Center that I used on my last tank, and it is making a kind of clicking sound, is this normal? Does anyone else use these, and do they normally make noise? It seems that it is just the timer mechinism it-self, it is the old mechanical push tab version not the digital. Thanks
Mine is silent. If mine wasn't perfect I'd buy another one. With the investment you have in the tank, home, etc... a fire is one thing you don't need.
,... and there have been reports of them catching fire. Personally I would return it and buy the $7 apliance timers. I was going to get one of the coralife units until I read the thread titled "house fire aquariam put it out" or something like that, it is a good read, if you can search, find it.
