Coralife skimmer cleaning


Active member
I bought a used CSS super skimmer as well as a bunch of other things from another hobbyist a couple of months ago and now I am trying to clean it out. I am not sure what parts are supposed to be able to be removed or not and don't want to break it.

The inside of the tall clear main tube has calcium tubes from worms as well as green algae built up inside it and there is no way for me to reach inside because of a grey tube that goes down the center of it.

I think coralife's website has been down all day.( right?) And I can not find any other sites that have directions.

I would think you could soak the unit whole in vinegar. It is a week acid and should break down the calcium and such. Then just wash it out.
well , I usually use a muratic acid solution to clean my penguin biowheel filters and my seaclone skimmers. I hang or put them in a bucket of water with their MJ pump installed, plug it in and let it run , then add a few ounces of acid to the water and run till it is clear of deposits. then drain and flush with fresh water. and then do the same with a bucket of bleach solution to get the organics. comes out clean and sterile. powerhead included.