and a really nice monti cap swirl
its green cap with purple rim, orange cap, and purple cap. about salad plate size and you can get a bunch of green cap frags off this.
30 views and no takers?
Especially on the monti cap swirl? granted, the green is growing faster than the orange and purple but you can frag the hell out of that puppy.
nmow i preface this with saying i can't take pictures worth a flip. that being said, the corla plating out in the top right is the spiderman. its an encruster that will plate when it can encrust no more. its blue based with rust colored polyps.
the third picture down (the first pic of the multi cap piece) has a better shot of the spiderman's color. the spiderman is in the top left corner just beside the orange cap.
cap and staghorn are spoke for.
Still have some Spiderman available. Marty got some and maybe he'll post some better pictures.
World Wide Corals has a pic on their site also.
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