Correct height/intensity for Maxspect Razor + SPS


New member
Hello all,
I'm still fairly new to SPS keeping, especially around understanding proper lighting.

I have a Maxspect Razor light on my JBJ 30, and am using the light mounts that came with it (So the light is ~6-8" above the waterline).

The issue I have, is I dont quite know what the right intensity to use on it is. I had it at ~60%, and it appears my SPS that I have started bleaching quickly. I then dropped it a bit, but the damage was already done.

Below I've included a picture of the tank, and a picture of one of my main coral. The coral looks bleached, but I do see polyps come out, they're just white.

Can someone please recommend how I should configure my lights?



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I have mine (180W 15k over a 70G reef) set at 60% blue and 60% white right now, i started with 45% each with all frags at mid level or lower (about 10inches below surface with fixture hung about 10inches above surface), I ramped it up over a space of a week and a half (about 5% increase every 3 days, you can go slower). I will keep ramping it up until it is 100% blue and 90% white, depending on how my frags react. I think your bleached because :
1) It is already close to the water surface when you set up the LED, at 60% it will for sure bleach the coral that close to the surface if it is not used to such intense lighting.
2) It looks like the coral is directly under one of the pucks, which is also a problem, you wanna avoid putting things directly under the pucks since LED lights are very "focused", unless you slowly acclimate it to that intense of a lighting.
Im still starting out with my SPS reef so Im no expert! but thats just what I have come to learn about this from reading the forums and articles online. Hope it helps.
Also bleaching could also not have anything to do with lighting, i.e. too little nutrients, too much nutrients, parameter swings, etc.
Ya I think my biggest issue is how close it may of been to the surface. But my red planet, which is lower, also doesnt have much polyp extension (but isnt bleached) despite ideal water parameters. I also didnt consider the fact that it being under a puck may have an impact.

What else do others have?
Your tank looks spanky new, and is it dry rock too? Dry rock takes a long time to settle in. PE probably has more to do with new tank than anything.
What do you mean by PE? And yes, the tank is ~3 months old, and yes I did start with dry rock :) (I moved some things out of my larger, more mature tank, before I sold it)
What do you mean by PE? And yes, the tank is ~3 months old, and yes I did start with dry rock :) (I moved some things out of my larger, more mature tank, before I sold it)

PE = Polyp Extension

Did you use any bacteria products to help the tank out? Some people love dry rock, I hate it. I won't use it. It takes too long.
With the 90 degree lenses you want it something like 2 feet above the tank for proper spread, with the 120 lenses you can keep it lower down. I found it very difficult to dial in so I switched to T5's on my main tank. On a smaller 40 I run one with the 120 lenses and two LED strips front and back for coverage.
I don't think that light is bleaching you sps. Used to have one on my 34g running on max setting with stock and 120degree lense and still not enough light. IMO the razor is a good sps lighting, you will need to supplement it.
I don't think that light is bleaching you sps. Used to have one on my 34g running on max setting with stock and 120degree lense and still not enough light. IMO the razor is a good sps lighting, you will need to supplement it.

Sorry, what do you mean? How can it be a good SPS light but need supplementing?