Could SeaChem Fuel and Reef Roids Be responsible?


Active member
I started on 10/25 dosing my tank with SeaChem Fuel, a comprehensive carbohydrate, vitamin, amino acid, polyunsaturated fatty acid, and trace element supplement developed to address nutritional requirements commonly associated with corals. Didn't see any response such as an algae bloom. But its still one, new addictive.

I also started feeding ReefRoids to some of the corals such as my flower pot and polyps. Reef-roids is a mixture of naturally occurring marine planktons including a specific species of zooplankton. Heck, I fed it to every coral in the tank and they loved it. One week after feeding reef roids, though, I have another outbreak of brown algae. I'm betting that's no coincidence.

Anyone used either of these before and had a similar experience? I've also got a stubborn patch of hair algae that absolutely refuses to give up. I've removed some by hand. But usually end up just spreading it. I think its nutrient starved green algae. That's why its brown. But now I've got enough growing on rocks that the tang is picking at them. Combine that with the brown algae and it just looks ugly. I hate ugly.

Today's phosphates are .02. I think my last outbreak lived off silicates and then eventually ate all that and starved to death. But then the hair algae showed up and has been here ever since. So that's why I'm guessing the new additives have something to do with the brown algae returning. Just me being curious. Any thoughts? I absolutely hate how ugly algae is.
Normal and expected IMO...
Food in = things get fed.... when things get fed.. they survive/grow,etc..

Algae is just part of the hobby..
We need pictures to make an ID of any kind. You may also want to buy a cheap toy microscope from Amazon. They're like $13 right now and will help you ID what exactly you're dealing with
Everything in your tank will live from the food you fed your fish and from photosynthesis from the lights. Additional additives are a waste of money and, as you have found, cause things you do not want. Just make sure your carnivores get meaty food and the herbivores get Nori.

Stop with the snake oil stuff.

You do need a method for exporting wast nutrients, i.e., NO3 and PO4. Exporters are water changes, ATS, carbon dosing and maybe GFS for PO4.
Everything in your tank will live from the food you fed your fish and from photosynthesis from the lights. Additional additives are a waste of money and, as you have found, cause things you do not want. Just make sure your carnivores get meaty food and the herbivores get Nori.

Stop with the snake oil stuff.

You do need a method for exporting wast nutrients, i.e., NO3 and PO4. Exporters are water changes, ATS, carbon dosing and maybe GFS for PO4.


I don't target feed a thing. The tank gets NLS pellets most days, Rod's original maybe once a week, and rotifers or cyclops maybe once a month. One of the biggest causes of problems, especially for newer reefers, is overfeeding/buying into the hype on additives that in reality do nothing.

And I would suggest GFO for phosphate control, not GFS!:frog: