could someone photoshop this pic for me..


I love Bass
Premium Member
I love this pic but want the red date off the pic. I m not any good at doing this. i was wondering if someone could do it for me. I want to print this pic out. Any help would be great..

Wow. that pic is nice.
What color is the starfish? If it is red, then it would look awesome if everthing was black and white except for it.
Nice work although I can still see some red in the image.
Nice sharpening - you can count all the pores on the Linka!
If anyone can get the rest of the red out your more than welcome too. Great job on the first step.
awesome pic. gotta love photoshop :D linkia stars are one of my favorite cirtters all time
It is an orange linkia. I bought it 3 weeks ago. It is doing great. What would be the chance to make the star colored and everything else in b&W.


different ways to do it but the way i like is to make a layer of just all black then cut out the area you want to see.