Counter corrent with tunze 6060


New member
Do you think it makes sense to have a Tunze 6060 stream to make counter corrent with the return pump Ocean Runer 3500 (3500L/h).

Well it would be a gentle open currente of 6000 Lt/h agains (about) 3000L/h directional current.

Isn't it 6000 Lt/h too much for a 60 gal tank?

I have a 60 gal (300 Lt) tank


I think it would be fine provided you don't have a very fine sand and your coral choices are species of Acropora, Lithophyton and Sarcophyton.
Wy did you mention those corals, because it could be too mutch corrent for other species of coral ?


Yes, these corals are species which would benefit from higher flow, otherwise a 7300/2 would be a far more practical choice.
Then the electronic kit 7310/2 (7300/2 pump and the single controler) would be a nice choice ?

The single controler puts the pump on and of, yes? what time interval sould this controler be working to creat a nice ramdom corrent ?

thx again

The Single Controller doesn't turn the pump off and on but makes it speed up and slow down. The 7310/2 hasn't been made since June of last year so you may need to buy the two items seperate.
I think so. They make a bit of a hum when new and they get quieter as time goes on. After 2 weeks you really can't hear them unless you are right up on the tank. I do have to add though that I don't have very good hearing, I used to be a swimmer and most of the jobs I had as a kid were with heavy equipment and I also liked guns and fireworks too much and have damaged my hearing. I don't need a hearing aid but I can't exactly hear a mouse or small noises.