couple of questons

I just got a second hand profilux plus 2 and dosing pump. But have a few questions.

My unit is alarming how do I find out why it is alarming? Only using the unit to control lighting, dosing & monitoring temp.

How to set up the temp side of it to control my heater? I don't have a chiller yet.

I already have programed the power bar and dosing pump. I just can't figure out the temp setting and why its alarming.
Most likely pre programmed entry out of range in your set up for example temperature nominal value.

Assuming you are connected to the software via your pc.

First go to socket function outlet and decide what socket you want to be used for temperaure (heating) and assign this to temp 1 heating

Go to temperature input screen and set your desired temperature for example 26 degrees C (set you heater thermostat to 2 degrees above this) You can leave the other settings for now.

when you want to set up the chiller, do exactly the same with socket function outlet but choose for this socket temp 1 cooling.