Crazy Huge Colony of DTW Gecko Acro For Sale.


Active member
So when you have a colony like this for sale, you try to figure out what it might be worth. $100? $200? For size reference, that is a 3" disc I mounted it to! This is 100% aquacultured from a tiny frag by me. It's hard to get a good picture because my photography skills suck, but this is neon green, body and polyps.

So let's price it like this: $60 for the colony. If you buy it together with my ginormous DTW Crown of Thorns Birdsnest colony, $80 for both together.

You need to bring something to put them in (small bucket, etc.). And pickup only in San Ramon, no delivery.

See now that's the appropriate size for a frag, at the very least like the montipora in the background that puddles over the majority of the frag plug. None of those 1/2" frag non-sense that's freshly glued to a frag plug for all of a week :D