Crazy Poly Extension


New member
So after two years I think I have tweaked the tank enough and have some really good SPS growth and healthy looking corals.

No water changes in 2 months. My Nitrates are steady at 0.5 ppm, Phosphate: 0.03 ppm (red sea and hanna ULR phosphorus), I recently went from Radion G3Pros to G4Pros but don't think that really did much. I also have two sets of T5s as well. I added me amino acids for the last couple months and NOPOX as well. I don't think the me amino acids are doing a lot but not sure. The NOPOX is helping control nitrates well. I have 20 fish so quite a high bio-load. I starting using my UV sterilizer regularly 1/2 of the day during the day. ORP used to be 250-300 and is not 400-450 so that's one big change that may have helped a lot. Lastly I started dosing kalkwasser instead of 2 part solution and that seems to be when I saw the biggest changes. I also add coral colors to replenish trace minerals.
Its probably the kalkwasser and trace elements combined. Once corals get to their happy zone they just go nuts. If you can keep your PH steady for long enough then they don't feel the need to retract as much when the lights go out allowing them to extend more and more. Throw in the amino acids for something to eat and I can see why they are extending so much.

There are times where I get my prostrata you extend like that. It take long periods of consistency then some food in the water for them to reach for, but not enough to dirty the water.