Crocea not attaching


New member
I have had my Crocea for several weeks and he is placed fairly high on the reef and seems very happy. He is sitting kind of in a whole and shouldn't fall. Do they always attach to the rock? How long does it take? I'm pretty sure he hasn't attached but I don't want to bother it to see.

It's very colorful and opens and closes nicely.

Thanks in advance,

According to Knop, clams often only attach if they are happy with their position. I would say that this allows currents, waves etc. to move them to a more suitable position, try moving it and see how it goes.
Also, what lighting have you got?
It is high up in the tank under 2-250 watt metal halides and
2-140 watt vhos. How long should it take to attach?

Unless its falling off the rocks I wouldnt worry about it. When its ready or in the position it wants it will attach.
How is the clam enjoying it's position? Is it's mantle open/close, does he have to much current on him, is anything attached to him (like rock pieces from before?), was he put right under the MH when you got him, did he come from a shop that had him under less light, is he being feed FOOD? If you answer positive to most of these quetions then just enjoy him. I have had croceas that seem to have taken forever to attach and some do it the minute you put him into the tank! Do not be afraid to softly pull on him to see if he is attaching. If he is not attached then it is a good time to check him out for any bad snails. Hope this helps a little. Please ask more if you need to.